September 26, 2021
BMUSA IRON FE EDTA ŞELATLI DEMİR (Fe-EDTA) BMusa Iron Fe yaşlı yapraklardan genç yapraklara demirin aktarılmaması nedeniyle bitkiler geliştikleri ortamdan demiri sürekli almak durumundadır. Bitki metabolizmasında Fe²+ şeklindeki demir kullanıldığı için bitki Fe²+ iyonunu ya da bu şekilde indirgenmiş demiri alır. Toprak çözeltisinde bitkiye yarayışlı demir miktarı genelde çok...
Read MoreSeptember 26, 2021
BMUSA COMBI SIVI MİKRO BİTKİ BESİN ELEMENTLERİ KARIŞIMI BMusa Combi’nin içinde bulunan “Bor; Şekerin ve karbonhidratların oluşmasında, kalsiyum’un taşınmasında ve yerleştirilmesinde, hücre bölünmesinde etkilidir. Hormon oluşumunu teşvik eder. Mangan(Mn); fotosentezde elektron aktarımı ve oksijen içermeyen radikallerin zehir etkilerinin giderilmesi gibi önemli görevler yapar. Molibden(Mo); azotun bitkiler tarafından alımı ve...
Read MoreSeptember 26, 2021
Fixes atmosphere nitrogen and dissolves the phosphate in the soil. Produces bioactive substances (phytohormones, amino acids, vitamins). It especially reduces the effects of water and heat stress. Prominent in arid and semi-arid regions. In areas with limited irrigation, low pH or acidic conditions it is also effective. Increases the...
Read MoreSeptember 17, 2020
Fixes atmosphere nitrogen and dissolves the phosphate in the soil. Improves the roots of plants. Promotes plant growth and increases yield and quality. Cleaved organic waste. Suppresses harmful bacteria in the soil. Produces bioactive substances (phytohormones, amino acids, vitamins). Increases and improves germination of seeds. Enhances immunity against bacterial...
Read MoreSeptember 23, 2021
The Banana Project, which was initiated by Alanya Municipality in 2015, took a big step towards industrialization with the project of manure and animal feed from the body of banana. The Mayor of Alanya, Adem Murat Yücel, visited the factory constructed by BAUMANN together with the Municipal Assembly Members...
Read MoreSeptember 23, 2021
Reduce chemical fertilization by using microbial fertilizers in BMusa. Excessive use of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizer increases the cost and causes environmental pollution.
Read MoreSeptember 23, 2021
BMusa bacteria contained microbial fertilizers produce auxin hormone and promote cell proliferation, cell division and alteration.
Read MoreSeptember 23, 2021
BMusa microbial fertilizers contain useful live bacteria, soil-borne harmful bacteria are suppressed.
Read MoreSeptember 22, 2021
BMusa microbial fertilizers convert the organic and inorganic phosphorous in the soil into the form of the plant.
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