Project of Alanya Municipality is Industrialized
The Banana Project, which was initiated by Alanya Municipality in 2015, took a big step towards industrialization with the project of manure and animal feed
The equipment used in the manufacturing process of microbial fertilizers in BMusa was designed and built by engineers according to the latest technologies.
Hygiene and biological trust are at the forefront during production.
In the equipped microbiology laboratory, the first stages of production, process control and final quality control of the finished product are carried out by senior microbiology experts.
Liquid Fluid carrier used in microbial fertilizers (bacteria living area); It is a special formula that provides the best protection of bacteria until the use of fertilizer. The main component – the banana tree trunk juice, is produced from banana tree.
All these processes increase the efficiency, quality and long shelf life of fertilizers.
Our Working Principle: Hygiene, Control and Trust
Organic Acid Complex ANTİSALT
Naturally fermented pH reducer SALTEX
Organic fertilizers containing amino acids MULTI, MULTI PLUS
Microbial fertilizers containing live bacteria VITA, GREEN
NK, NPK'lı organomineral fertilizers ROOT, FERTİ, JET
Micro elements IRON FE EDTA, MIX, COMBI, CALCIUM, ZINC ZN, ZN8NK, NPK'lı liquid fertilizers FORTE, STIM, BLOOM
The Banana Project, which was initiated by Alanya Municipality in 2015, took a big step towards industrialization with the project of manure and animal feed
Reduce chemical fertilization by using microbial fertilizers in BMusa. Excessive use of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizer increases the cost and causes environmental pollution.
BMusa bacteria contained microbial fertilizers produce auxin hormone and promote cell proliferation, cell division and alteration.
BMusa microbial fertilizers contain useful live bacteria, soil-borne harmful bacteria are suppressed.
BMusa microbial fertilizers convert the organic and inorganic phosphorous in the soil into the form of the plant.
Live bacteria, which decompose organic residues and waste in the soil and provide plant nutrition, have practically disappeared due to the use of chemical fertilizers
Opened in 2018 in Alanya, BAUMANN Banana Waste Recycling Plant is located on 17 acres of land and has a closed area of 1900 m2. The main aim of the plant is to evaluate the residual plant waste after the harvest of banana fruit and to bring it into the economy. Our plant produces vegetable origin solid and liquid organic and microbial fertilizers using as raw material banana tree stump and branches.
Capacity of the Plant: 2873 tons / year Solid Fertilizer, 7056 tons / year Liquid Fertilizer.
Total investment amount: 10 million TL / 2018