26 сентября, 2021
İçerisinde deniz yosunu, aminoasitler, organik asitler, mikro elementlerden oluşan yüksek aktivasyon özelliği sayesinde bitkisel bir aktivatördür. Gibberellik asit, cytokin, alginik asit, azot, potasyum, mikro elementler ve magnezyum içeren üstün özellikteki organomineral bir üründür. Çiçeklenmeyi teşvik eder ve hızlandırır. Hücre bölünmesini ve büyümeyi teşvik eder. Kök oluşumu, kök gelişimi ve...
Прочитайте больше26 сентября, 2021
BMusa Root – Organomineral fertilizer which contains very rich mineral varieties that are obtained organically. By using this organic fertilizer your efficiency may be increased. The main component of BMUSA branded products is banana stem juice. Juice is obtained after technological processes undertaken at our “Banana Waste Recycling Facilities”...
Прочитайте больше27 апреля, 2022
BMusa Ferti – Organomineral fertilizer which contains very rich mineral varieties that are obtained organically. By using this organic fertilizer your efficiency may be increased. The main component of BMUSA branded products is banana stem juice. Juice is obtained after technological processes undertaken at our “Banana Waste Recycling Facilities”...
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